52 Weeks of Sales Success: Americas #1 Salesman Shows You How to Send Sales Soaring,2nd ed.美国头号推销员之成功秘笈,地2版 115盘 下载 pdf txt 电子版 mobi snb docx

52 Weeks of Sales Success: Americas #1 Salesman Shows You How to Send Sales Soaring,2nd ed.美国头号推销员之成功秘笈,地2版精美图片
》52 Weeks of Sales Success: Americas #1 Salesman Shows You How to Send Sales Soaring,2nd ed.美国头号推销员之成功秘笈,地2版电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

52 Weeks of Sales Success: Americas #1 Salesman Shows You How to Send Sales Soaring,2nd ed.美国头号推销员之成功秘笈,地2版书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780470393505
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2009-01
  • 页数:221
  • 价格:128.50
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  52 Weeks of Sales Success, 2nd edition is based on Roberts' series of popular weekly sales seminars originally offered to his staff. Ralph now delivers the same energy and sales-generating wisdom and closing tools to everyone who is committed to achieving his or her full potential. In this second edition, Ralph has expanded and updated the material to address issues important to today's salespeople and reveals his field-proven strategies for selling in the 21st Century: Stop thinking like,an employee and start thinking like an entrepreneur,Surround yourself with positive people,Develop systems and procedures,Hire an assistant, so you can concentrate on clients,Know your product, yourself, and your client,Under-promise, over-deliver,Turn problems into opportunities.




Week 1. Start Now.

 Do the Hardest Thing First.

 Tell Everyone You Know What You Do.

 Remain Positive.

 Work for Today, Tomorrow, and Your Future.

 Stick to It.

Week 2. Stay Put.

Week 3. Cultivate an Entrepreneurial Mindset.

 Procuring Tools and Resources.

 Marketing Yourself.

 Hiring Employees (Assistants).

 Building a Sales Team.

Week 4. Project a Positive Attitude.

 Surround Yourself with Positive People.

 Seek Out Positive Ideas.

 Banish Negativity and Self-Defeatism.

 Master the Art of Positive Talk.

Week 5. Set Goals.

 Associate with Fellow Goal Setters.

 Set a Goal.

 Set a Deadline.

 Break Down Your Goal into Milestones.

Week 6. Devise a Plan.

 Essential Elements of a Business Plan.

 Business Description.

 Market Focus.

 Situation Analysis.

 Vision Statement.

 Revenue Projections.


 Start-Up Money.

Week 7. Develop Systems and Procedures.

Documenting Your Job.

 Identify Procedures.

 Delegate the Work

Week 8. Hire an Assistant.

Recruit Assistants.

Screen the Candidates.

 Visual or Virtual?

 Retain Your Best Assistants.

Week 9. Prioritize.

 Stephen's Not-So-Secret Secret.

 Rediscovering Your A-B-C's.

 Day Job, Night Job.

Week 10. Know Your Product.

 Use Your Product or Service... If Possible.

 Sell When You Buy.

Week 11. Know Your Clients.

 Who's Really Your Client?

 Use What You Sell.

 Participate in Consumer Communities.

 Consult with Other Departments.

 Learn Your Customer's Business.

 Gather Feedback from Clients.

Week 12. Recognize the Difference between Customers and Clients.

Week 13. Under-Promise, Over-Deliver.

Week 14. Leverage the Power of your Disabilities.

Week 15. Turn Problems into Opportunities.

Week 16. Brand Yourself: You, Inc.

Week 17. Engage in Shameless Self-Promotion.

Week 18. See Business Where It Isn't.

Week 19. Brainstorm Problem-Solving with Your Staff.

Week 20. Focus on Your Clients' Success.

Week 21. Write Notes to Your Clients.

Week 22. Launch Your Weekly Hour of Power: 100 Calls in 60 Minutes.

Week 23. Master the 10-10-20 Technique.

Week 24. Hone Your Networking Skills.

Week 25. Market Your Home-Based Business.

Week 26. Master a New Technology.

Week 27. Explore Marketing Opportunities on the Internet.

Week 28. Reward Yourself.

Week 29. Find a Better Place to Meet Your Clients.

Week 30. Improve the Way You Ask and Answer Questions.

Week 31. Perfect Your Tele-Sales Skills.

Week 32. Shadow a Top-Producing Salesperson.

Week 33. Team Up with a Personal Partner.

Week 34. Hook Up with a Mentor.

Week 35. Jot Down Ideas for New Opportunities.

Week 36. Nurture Relationships.

Week 37. Launch Your Own Blog.

Week 38. Try an Internet Lead Generation Service.

Week 39. Date Your Leads… or Someone Else Will.

Week 40. Build Trust in Online Communities.

Week 41. Fire Your Worst Clients.

Week 42. Attend a Convention or Seminar.

Week 43. Host a Seminar or Workshop.

Week 44. Master the Platinum Rule.

Week 45. Expand into Multicultural Markets.

Week 46. Avoid or Recover from a Sales Slump.

Week 47. Build Your Own Sales Team.

Week 48. Sharpen Your Team Management Skills.

Week 49. Close a Sale the Right Way: Six Follow-Up Steps.

Week 50. Become a Lifelong Learner.

Week 51. Just Do It!

Week 52. Final Thoughts.

About the Authors



Ralph R. Roberts is an award-winning and internationally acclaimed real estate agent, speaker, sales coach, consultant, and author. His articles have been featured in a host of national publications, online and in print, and he has authored and coauthored









52 Weeks of Sales Success , 2nd edition is based on Roberts' series of popular weekly sales seminars originally offered to his staff. Ralph now delivers the same energy and sales-generating wisdom and closing tools to everyone who is committed to achieving his or her full potential. In this second edition, Ralph has expanded and updated the material to address issues important to today's salespeople and reveals his field-proven strategies for selling in the 21st Century: Stop thinking like an employee and start thinking like an entrepreneur Surround yourself with positive people Develop systems and procedures Hire an assistant, so you can concentrate on clients Know your product, yourself, and your client Under-promise, over-deliver Turn problems into opportunities


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