TEAM BUSH 115盘 下载 pdf txt 电子版 mobi snb docx

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President George W. Bush forged his team-based leadership style in the world of private enterprise. Before becoming our nation's first MBA president (Harvard, 1975), "W" had developed his own style of talking with and listening to team members, making decisions based on their input, and then relying on his team to carry out those decisions. It was a style tailor-made for the presidency.
Team Bush explores the mind and methods of America's 43rd president. Beyond the conference rooms of the White House, however, Team Bush explains how executives can use Bush's model to streamline decision-making and boost productivity in virtually any arena. It is an examination of a new style of leadership, based as much on the knowledge and performance of one's team as it is on the knowledge and performance of oneself. George W. Bush has come as near as anyone to perfecting that style. Discover what he has done, and how you can use his model in your own leadership pursuits, in Team Bush.
This book talks about the leadership strategies behind one of the most popular presidents in history. How the Commander-in-Chief commands George W. Bush has surprised even his harshest critics with his leadership talents and discipline. As this country's first MBA president, Bush formed his unique leadership style managing businesses, not government offices. "Team Bush" is the first book to explore these unique methods and tactics he has employed to become one of the nation's most popular commanders in chief in recent history. From "hiring" the most diverse and effective cabinets in history, to dealing with the crisis and war sparked by the events of September 11th, this compelling leadership book takes readers into the mind and methods of America's 43rd president, and shows managers how these methods can be used to boost productivity in their own organizations. This fast-paced book pulls no punches as it showcases President Bush's successes and strengths while detailing his mistakes and weaknesses. Focusing on the actual events and outcomes of Bush's first two years in office, it discusses: the strategy behind Bush's coup in the mid-term election; lessons learned from his managing of the September 11th crisis; and how Bush recognizes and learns from his very public mistakes.
From Publishers Weekly
Kettl, a University of Wisconsin public affairs professor, aims in this fast, accessible read to uncover "the leadership ideas and methods of America's 43rd president." In the process, he finds George W. Bush's most striking accomplishment to be that he "has consistently exceeded expectations." Kettl describes a president of average intellect with one saving grace: the ability to assemble, unify and lead a highly qualified management team that analyzes complex problems and solutions, thus enabling Bush to make effective decisions. Kettl attributes Bush's team-building skills to his easygoing style; his insistence that his staff be punctual, concise and professionally attired; and his education as "the nation's first MBA president." There are stimulating ideas, such as tips on creating and using political capital, aligning the structure of staff to personal strengths, and crafting and delivering effective messages. As with most lesson books, however, the ideas lose their impact and originality when summarized, e.g., "Develop a plan-and stick to it" and "Don't fight battles you can't win." Kettl draws these lessons almost exclusively from media reportage; while he serves on an advisory panel to the White House's Office of Management and Budget, there's no promise of insider information. Bush's ability to lead is certainly a compelling topic, but perhaps because we are only two years into a presidency filled with controversy and challenge, the book lacks any depth of research or perspective.
Book Description
How the Commander-in-Chief commands
George W. Bush has surprised even his harshest critics with his leadership talents and discipline. As this country's first MBA president, Bush formed his unique leadership style managing businesses, not government offices. Team Bush is the first book to explore these unique methods and tactics he has employed to become one of the nation's most popular commanders in chief in recent history.
From "hiring" the most diverse and effective cabinets in history, to dealing with the crisis and war sparked by the events of September 11th, this compelling leadership book takes readers into the mind and methods of America's 43rd president, and shows managers how these methods can be used to boost productivity in their own organizations.
This fast-paced book pulls no punches as it showcases President Bush's successes and strengths while detailing his mistakes and weaknesses. Focusing on the actual events and outcomes of Bush's first two years in office, it discusses:
1.The strategy behind Bush's coup in the mid-term election
2.Lessons learned from his managing of the September 11th crisis
3.How Bush recognizes and learns from his very public mistakes
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 215 Width (mm) 144
President George W. Bush forged his team-based leadership style in the world of private enterprise. Before becoming our nation's first MBA president (Harvard, 1975), "W" had developed his own style of talking with and listening to team members, making decisions based on their input, and then relying on his team to carry out those decisions. It was a style tailor-made for the presidency.
Team Bush explores the mind and methods of America's 43rd president. Beyond the conference rooms of the White House, however, Team Bush explains how executives can use Bush's model to streamline decision-making and boost productivity in virtually any arena. It is an examination of a new style of leadership, based as much on the knowledge and performance of one's team as it is on the knowledge and performance of oneself. George W. Bush has come as near as anyone to perfecting that style. Discover what he has done, and how you can use his model in your own leadership pursuits, in Team Bush.
This book talks about the leadership strategies behind one of the most popular presidents in history. How the Commander-in-Chief commands George W. Bush has surprised even his harshest critics with his leadership talents and discipline. As this country's first MBA president, Bush formed his unique leadership style managing businesses, not government offices. "Team Bush" is the first book to explore these unique methods and tactics he has employed to become one of the nation's most popular commanders in chief in recent history. From "hiring" the most diverse and effective cabinets in history, to dealing with the crisis and war sparked by the events of September 11th, this compelling leadership book takes readers into the mind and methods of America's 43rd president, and shows managers how these methods can be used to boost productivity in their own organizations. This fast-paced book pulls no punches as it showcases President Bush's successes and strengths while detailing his mistakes and weaknesses. Focusing on the actual events and outcomes of Bush's first two years in office, it discusses: the strategy behind Bush's coup in the mid-term election; lessons learned from his managing of the September 11th crisis; and how Bush recognizes and learns from his very public mistakes.
From Publishers Weekly
Kettl, a University of Wisconsin public affairs professor, aims in this fast, accessible read to uncover "the leadership ideas and methods of America's 43rd president." In the process, he finds George W. Bush's most striking accomplishment to be that he "has consistently exceeded expectations." Kettl describes a president of average intellect with one saving grace: the ability to assemble, unify and lead a highly qualified management team that analyzes complex problems and solutions, thus enabling Bush to make effective decisions. Kettl attributes Bush's team-building skills to his easygoing style; his insistence that his staff be punctual, concise and professionally attired; and his education as "the nation's first MBA president." There are stimulating ideas, such as tips on creating and using political capital, aligning the structure of staff to personal strengths, and crafting and delivering effective messages. As with most lesson books, however, the ideas lose their impact and originality when summarized, e.g., "Develop a plan-and stick to it" and "Don't fight battles you can't win." Kettl draws these lessons almost exclusively from media reportage; while he serves on an advisory panel to the White House's Office of Management and Budget, there's no promise of insider information. Bush's ability to lead is certainly a compelling topic, but perhaps because we are only two years into a presidency filled with controversy and challenge, the book lacks any depth of research or perspective.
Book Description
How the Commander-in-Chief commands
George W. Bush has surprised even his harshest critics with his leadership talents and discipline. As this country's first MBA president, Bush formed his unique leadership style managing businesses, not government offices. Team Bush is the first book to explore these unique methods and tactics he has employed to become one of the nation's most popular commanders in chief in recent history.
From "hiring" the most diverse and effective cabinets in history, to dealing with the crisis and war sparked by the events of September 11th, this compelling leadership book takes readers into the mind and methods of America's 43rd president, and shows managers how these methods can be used to boost productivity in their own organizations.
This fast-paced book pulls no punches as it showcases President Bush's successes and strengths while detailing his mistakes and weaknesses. Focusing on the actual events and outcomes of Bush's first two years in office, it discusses:
1.The strategy behind Bush's coup in the mid-term election
2.Lessons learned from his managing of the September 11th crisis
3.How Bush recognizes and learns from his very public mistakes
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 215 Width (mm) 144
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