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Subatomic Physics, the physics of nuclei and particles, has been one of the frontiers of science since its birth in 1896. From the study of the radiations emitted by radioactive nuclei to the scattering experiments that point to the presence of subLuuts in nucleons, from the discovery of the hadroruc interactions to the real-ization that the photon possesses hadronic (strong) attributes, and that weak and electromagnetic forces may be intimately related, subatomic physics has enriched science with new concepts and deeper insights into the laws of nature.
Subatomic Physics does not stand isolated; it bears on many aspects of life. Ideas and facts emerging from studies of the subatomic world change our picture of the macrocosmos. Concepts discovered in subatomic physics are needed to under-stand the creation and abundance of the elements, and the energy production in the sun and the stars, Nuclear power may provide most of the future energy sources.Nuclear bombs affect national and international decisions. Pion beams have be- come a tool to treat cancer. Tracer and Mossbauer techniques give information about structure and reactions in solid state physics, chemistry, biology, metallurgy, and geology.
Preface to the First Edition
Preface to the Third Edition
General Bibliography
1 Background and Language
1.1 Orders of Magnitude
1.2 Units
1.3 Special Relativity,Feynman Diagrams
1.4 References
Ⅰ Tools
2 Accelerators
2.1 Why Accelerators?
2.2 Cross Sections and Luminosity
2.3 Electrostatic Generators (Van de Graaff)
2.4 Linear Accelerators (Linacs)
2.5 Beam Optics
2.6 Synchrotrons
2.7 Laboratory and Center-of-Momentum Frames
2.8 Colliding Beams
2.9 Superconducting Linacs
2.10 Beam Storage and Cooling
2.11 References
3 Passage of Radiation Through Matter
3.1 Concepts
3.2 Heavy Charged Particles
3.3 Photons
3.4 Electrons
3.5 Nuclear Interactions
3.6 References
4 Detectors
4.1 Scintillation Counters
4.2 Statistical Aspects
4.3 Semiconductor Detectors
4.4 Bubble Chambers
4.5 Spark Chambers
4.6 Wire Chambers
4.7 Drift Chambers
4.8 Time Projection Chambers
4.9 Cerenkov Counters
4.10 Calorimeters
4.11 Counter Electronics
4.12 Electronics: Logic
4.13 References
Ⅱ Particles and Nuclei
5 The Subatomic Zoo
5.1 Mass and Spin.Fermions and Bosons
5.2 Electric Charge and Magnetic Dipole Moment
5.3 Mass Measurements
5.4 A First Glance at the Subatomic Zoo
5.5 Gauge Bosons
5.6 Leptons
5.7 Decays
5.8 Mesons
5.9 Baryon Ground States
5.10 Particles and Antiparticles
5.11 Quarks,Gluons,and Intermediate Bosons
5.12 Excited States and Resonances
5.13 Excited States of Baryons
5.14 References
6 Structure of Subatomic Particles
6.1 The Approach: Elastic Scattering
6.2 Rutherford and Mott Scattering
6.3 Form Factors
6.4 The Charge Distribution of Spherical Nuclei
6.5 Leptons Are Point Particles
6.6 Nucleon Elastic Form Factors
6.7 The Charge Radii of the Pion and Kaon
6.8 Inelastic Electron and Muon Scattering
6.9 Deep Inelastic Electron Scattering
6.10 Quark-Parton Model for Deep Inelastic Scattering
6.11 More Details on Scattering and Structure
6.12 References
Ⅲ Symmetries and Conservation Laws
7 Additive Conservation Laws
7.1 Conserved Quantities and Symmetries
7.2 The Electric Charge
7.3 The Baryon Number
7.4 Lepton and Lepton Flavor Number
7.5 Strangeness Flavor
7.6 Additive Quantum Numbers of Quarks
7.7 References
8 Angular Momentum and Isospin
8.1 Invariance Under Spatial Rotation
8.2 Symmetry Breaking by a Magnetic Field
8.3 Charge Independence of Hadronic Forces
8.4 The Nucleon Isospin
8.5 Isospin Invariance
8.6 Isospin of Particles
8.7 Isospin in Nuclei
8.8 References
9 P,C,CP,and T
9.1 The Parity Operation
9.2 The Intrinsic Parities of Subatomic Particles
9.3 Conservation and Breakdown of Parity
9.4 Charge Conjugation
9.5 Time Reversal
9.6 The Two-State Problem
9.7 The Neutral Kaons
9.8 The Fall of CP Invariance
9.9 References
Ⅳ Interactions
10 The Electromagnetic Interaction
10.1 The Golden Rule
10.2 Phase Space
10.3 The Classical Electromagnetic Interaction
10.4 Photon Emission
10.5 Multipole Radiation
10.6 Electromagnetic Scattering of Leptons
10.7 Vector Mesons as Mediators of the Photon-Hadron Interaction
10.8 Colliding Beams
10.9 Electron-Positron Collisions and Quarks
10.10 The Photon-Hadron Interaction: Real and Spacelike Photons
10.11 Magnetic Monopoles
10.12 References
11 The Weak Interaction
11.1 The Continuous Beta Spectrum
11.2 Beta Decay Lifetimes
11.3 The Current-Current Interaction of the Standard Model
11.4 A Variety of Weak Processes
11.5 The Muon Decay
11.6 The Weak Current of Leptons
11.7 Chirality versus Helicity
11.8 The Weak Coupling Constant GF
11.9 Weak Decays of Quarks and the CKM Matrix
11.10 Weak Currents in Nuclear Physics
11.11 Inverse Beta Decay: Reines and Cowan's Detection of Neutrinos
11.12 Massive Neutrinos
11.13 Majorana versus Dirac Neutrinos
11.14 The Weak Current of Hadrons at High Energies
11.15 References
12 Introduction to Gauge Theories
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Potentials in Quantum Mechanics-The Aharonov-Bohm Effect
12.3 Gauge Invariance for Non-Abelian Fields
12.4 The Higgs Mechanism;Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
12.5 General References
13 The Electroweak Theory of the Standard Model
13.1 Introduction
13.2 The Gauge Bosons and Weak Isospin
13.3 The Electroweak Interaction
13.4 Tests of the Standard Model
13.5 References
14 Strong Interactions
14.1 Range and Strength of the Low-Energy Strong Interactions
14.2 The Pion-Nucleon Interaction-Survey
14.3 The Form of the Pion-Nucleon Interaction
14.4 The Yukawa Theory of Nuclear Forces
14.5 Low-Energy Nucleon-Nucleon Force
14.6 Meson Theory of the Nucleon-Nucleon Force
14.7 Strong Processes at High Energies
14.8 The Standard Model,Quantum Chromodynamics
14.9 QCD at Low Energies
14.10 Grand Unified Theories,Supersymmetry,String Theories
14.11 References
Ⅴ Models
15 Quark Models of Mesons and Baryons
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Quarks as Building Blocks of Hadrons
15.3 Hunting the Quark
15.4 Mesons as Bound Quark States
15.5 Baryons as Bound Quark States
15.6 The Hadron Masses
15.7 QCD and Quark Models of the Hadrons
15.8 Heavy Mesons: Charmonium,Upsilon
15.9 Outlook and Problems
15.10 References
16 Liquid Drop Model,Fermi Gas Model,Heavy Ions
16.1 The Liquid Drop Model
16.2 The Fermi Gas Model
16.3 Heavy Ion Reactions
16.4 Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
16.5 References
17 The Shell Model
17.1 The Magic Numbers
17.2 The Closed Shells
17.3 The Spin-Orbit Interaction
17.4 The Single-Particle Shell Model
17.5 Generalization of the Single-Particle Model
17.6 Isobaric Analog Resonances
17.7 Nuclei Far From the Valley of Stability
17.8 References
18 Collective Model
18.1 Nuclear Deformations
18.2 Rotational Spectra of Spinless Nuclei
18.3 Rotational Families
18.4 One-Particle Motion in Deformed Nuclei (Nilsson Model)
18.5 Vibrational States in Spherical Nuclei
18.6 The Interacting Boson Model
18.7 Highly Excited States;Giant Resonances
18.8 Nuclear Models-Concluding Remarks
18.9 References
19 Nuclear and Particle Astrophysics
19.1 The Beginning of the Universe
19.2 Primordial Nucleosynthesis
19.3 Stellar Energy and Nucleosynthesis
19.4 Stellar Collapse and Neutron Stars
19.5 Cosmic Rays
19.6 Neutrino Astronomy and Cosmology
19.7 Leptogenesis as Basis for Baryon Excess
19.8 References
Subatomic Physics, the physics of nuclei and particles, has been one of the frontiers of science since its birth in 1896. From the study of the radiations emitted by radioactive nuclei to the scattering experiments that point to the presence of subLuuts in nucleons, from the discovery of the hadroruc interactions to the real-ization that the photon possesses hadronic (strong) attributes, and that weak and electromagnetic forces may be intimately related, subatomic physics has enriched science with new concepts and deeper insights into the laws of nature.
Subatomic Physics does not stand isolated; it bears on many aspects of life. Ideas and facts emerging from studies of the subatomic world change our picture of the macrocosmos. Concepts discovered in subatomic physics are needed to under-stand the creation and abundance of the elements, and the energy production in the sun and the stars, Nuclear power may provide most of the future energy sources.Nuclear bombs affect national and international decisions. Pion beams have be- come a tool to treat cancer. Tracer and Mossbauer techniques give information about structure and reactions in solid state physics, chemistry, biology, metallurgy, and geology.
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